
July 29: Filling in the Gap: July Camp NaNoWriMo 2016

Hello reader, and welcome (back) to Writer Central!

It’s day 29 of this July’s Camp NaNoWriMo, and you know what that means!  We’re two days away from the finish line!

Some of the WriMos, most likely the ones who have already finished, are welcoming the end of the month with open arms, but others are still scrambling to reach the deadline.  And I am among the latter.

Hopefully, by now, we’re all pretty close to our goals.  But there’s still that terrifying gap between where we are and the finish line.  And so, I am here today to give you four tips on filling in that gap.

  1. Write steadily.  I know I’ve mentioned this in other NaNoWriMo posts, but that’s because it’s so important!  Even if you’re not the fastest writer, just write steadily and your words will build up.  Trust me, I know. 😉
  2. Do word wars/sprints.  I’ve said this before, too, but seriously, it is super helpful!  Wars and sprints, and even crawls can increase your word count more than you’d even imagine!
  3. Listen to music.  For me, listening to music is one of the best ways for me to get inspiration.  I listen to it while I’m writing, and for some reason I can get so much more done.
  4. Go back and look over your work.  (I suggest this one mainly for underwriters.  Underwriters are the sort of people who write a very basic version of their story – mainly the bones without the meat or flesh.  They tend to finish their story early with a very low word count and then sit around unable to reach their goal.)  What I suggest is that you go back through and add scenes and description in places they should be – but only if it’s right for your manuscript!

That’s all for today!  Just remember: whether your goal is 100k or 5k, you have still committed to an amazing experience!  Even if you don’t win, you most likely made progress, and that’s the whole point of this expedition.

If you’re new to Writer Central, I post at least once a week!  If you’d like more writing-related blog posts, feel free to follow, and go check out my other posts.  If you have a question or idea, please comment below, contact me through social media, or email me.  I’ll get back to you.

See you next time!

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